06:00 AM Boarders wake up
07:20 AM Boys leave for breakfast
07.30 AM Girls leave for breakfast
07:45 AM Boarders leave the Dining Hall for their respective classes
10:20 AM Break time snack in the Dining Hall
03:30 PM Afternoon snack in the Dining Hall
03:45-04:30 PM Boarders return to the Boarding House, change into home cloths, free time, and interaction with the Boarding House Parents and consultation with any available teachers.
04:30-05:30 PM Various activities of choice that include: jogging, basketball, football, rugby, board games and badminton. Personal revision in rooms or outdoors.
05:30-06:20 PM Boarders freshen up for dinner and Quiet Study Time.
06:20 PM Boarders leave for dinner
06:20-06:50 PM Dinner Time
07:00-09:00 PM Quiet Study Time in the Dining Hall except Friday. On Fridays, Boarders mostly play board games or watch a movie.
09:00-11:00 PM Back to the Boarding House, preparation for school, polishing shoes, ensuring that all the home learning is done, interaction with the Boarding Parents, watching TV.
10:00 PM Sleeping Time for Year 7, 8, 9 and 10.
11:00 PM Sleeping Time for Year 11, 12 and 13.